Same-old dog food making mealtime lackluster? Switch up dinner time and enhance your pup’s kibble with delicious Good ‘n’ Tasty® Triple Flavor Puree Mix-Ins. These wet dog food toppers are made with real chicken, salmon and duck for a boost of flavor and protein in your pet's daily diet. With three tasty flavors, the savory ‘n’ smooth formulas can even help appeal to finicky furry friends. The low-calorie purees also offer added hydration and help moisten dry kibble for easy enjoyment. Plus, the toppers are easy to serve with single-serve packaging for perfect portions. Just squeeze, mix and bond with your pup as they gobble it up! With no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives added, you can also feel good about the ingredients. There’s even no added carrageenan, no chicken by-product added and no added grain, corn, wheat or soy. With 28 packages, your pup can enjoy 4 weeks of delectable meals.*
*Based on using one tube per day.
DOG FOOD TOPPER TREATS: Good ‘n’ Tasty® Triple Flavor Puree Mix-Ins enhance kibble’s taste and add flavor and protein to your pet's daily diet.
TRIPLE FLAVOR KIBBLE COMPLEMENT: These low-calorie topper treats are made with real chicken, salmon and duck, helping appeal to picky pups.
SAVORY ‘N’ SMOOTH FORMULA: The wet mixers offer added hydration and help moisten dry kibble for easy enjoyment.
EASY-TO-SERVE PORTIONS: The single-serve packaging makes for convenient portions at mealtime, so just squeeze the puree on top of your dog’s kibble, mix and watch them gobble it up.
INGREDIENTS YOU CAN FEEL GOOD ABOUT: Made with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives added; no added carrageenan; no chicken by-product added; and no added grain, corn, wheat or soy.